Through ControlSUITE I found RFFT algorithm for 2833 DSP.
I would like to port this to a 2811 DSP and extract the necessary header files etc.
The example source file contains the following #includes:
and also "math.h" and "float.h".
Under 'includes' in CCS the project points to a directory: C:/device_support ... which does not exist.
Question: I have an existing project for 2811 DSP and want to link the necessary files to my project. Do I have to include "DSP28x_Project.h" ? If yes, what does it do and where can I find it ? Also, what do I do to link <fft.h> to my existing project ? (since I cannot find the file)
I am very grateful for support since I've been in cotact with Ti FAE's whom adviced me to ask the question in this forum.
An alternative would be for me to use files from the older sprc081.zip which I found, but I assume using the most recent fft algoritm would be the best choise ?
Thanks in advance!