Attached is my project. You can use it for your project. You should be able to copy paste your schematic into the attached project.
(Please visit the site to view this file)
To debug your own project/schematic:
1. Delete any your symbol of THS4521 from your schematic
2. Delete all .olb files (all three of them as I saw on your screen captured)
3. Delete all your model files, all five of them
4. Right click on left panel on "Design Cache" and "Library" and click on clear cache or someting similar
5. Add the THS4521_pspice_model.olb (preferably from my attachment)
6. Add part/symbol into your schematic: THS4521_model (and not THS4521)
7. Include THS4521_Pspice_model.txt into your profile -> add to Design (there are three options add to Global, add to Design, add to Profile), I usually
use add to Design.
8. If after doing step #7, it still does not work. Close your cadence and try to start cadence by right click mouse and Run Cadence 16.6 as Administrator (Run as Admin)
9. Repeat step 7.
10. If it still does not work, I am not sure what to do unless you can attached your project, then I can figure it out; otherwise, I would recommend to use my project that
I attached to this reply and use it for your template etc...