It does. The fact the JTAG speed is slower than the usual standard of 10.368MHz may indicate two things:
- If you are testing this on a native PC, then the board itself does not support the standard 10.368MHz speed. This is more common to happen in custom boards due to the hardware design, which can cause attenuation, cross talk, ringing, etc. on the JTAG lines. In your particular case and given you are using a development kit, I wonder if the combination of the emulator + adapter + board may be influencing this (there is a lot of information about hardware JTAG troubleshooting here).
- If you are still using the VM, it is getting in the way of a proper connection - i.e., the additional software driver layers between the hardware and CCS are causing the operation to be slower. The fact you are still able to connect at a slower speed is rather unusual (I think only XDS100 has this issue) but seems to be the obvious explanation in this case. Unfortunately using hardware emulation on a VM is an unsupported/untested configuration, therefore anything can happen.
In any case, from inside CCS I would then reduce the JTAG TCLK speed in the target configuration file (.ccxml) starting with 4MHz to match what the low-level utility is reporting as a successful connection. If it still does not work, I would keep reducing this down until getting a reliable connection.
To learn how to change these settings, check the short clip mentioned at this post.
Regarding 2), I don't know they way Segger operates, but XDS510USB emulators usually show this behaviour.
Hope this helps,