I like that better, since it also avoids the whole .data section not compressible circular problem. I got it to work with the following linker file, but this assumes .cinit will always be last. (myCRCSect contains 4 bytes of precalculated CRC, don't want that included in the calculation so it is moved out of the way.)
.intvecs: > 0x00000000 .text : > FLASH .const : > FLASH .cinit : > FLASH END(__flash_end) .pinit : > FLASH .init_array : > FLASH .myCRCSect : > FLASH(HIGH)
That is currently true from what I've observed (.init_array is empty and seems to be placed first) but can I rely on that to stay true long term? Otherwise, without the group, I haven't been able to figure out how to set __flash_end to the first empty address. I use this to calculate the checksum over everything that is programmed in flash.