These are my first trials with TI-RTOS and CCSv6.
So far I followed the videos and created a project using the template 'Minimal' from 'TI-RTOS for Sitara'.
The settings in the "RTSC Configuration Settings" are
XDCtools version:
Target: ti.targets.arm.elf.A8Fnv (has been filled in automatically)
Platform: ti.platforms.evmAM3359
Build-profile: debug
The platform "ti.platforms.evmAM3359" has been selected as I am using a BeagleBoneBlack but the select menu only offers BeagleBone.
I am not sure whether or not this is the right choice.
The default target configuration file is BeagleBone_Black.ccxml.
The project builds without errors.
Loading it for debugging provides the following text in the console window:
CortxA8: Output: **** AM335x BeagleBlack Initialization is in progress ..........
CortxA8: Output: **** AM335x ALL PLL Config for OPP == OPP100 is in progress .........
CortxA8: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): Target failed to read 0x44E10040 at (*((unsigned int *) (0x44E10000+0x40))
[beagleboneblack.gel:362] at GetInputClockFrequency()
[beagleboneblack.gel:433] at ARM_OPP100_Config()
[beagleboneblack.gel:353] at AM335x_BeagleBlack_Initialization()
[beagleboneblack.gel:339] at OnTargetConnect() .
What can be the reason for this error?
Does anybody have an idea?