I'm sometimes getting printf logs and sometimes not with this configuration. When I do get them, all cores printfs are showing up in the printf tab. Unlike CCSv4, only the core you select would show up.
Log = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Log');
var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');
LoggingSetup.loggerType = LoggingSetup.LoggerType_MIN;
LoggingSetup.loadLoggerSize = 128;
LoggingSetup.mainLoggerSize = 8192;
LoggingSetup.sysbiosLoggerSize = 128;
LoggingSetup.sysbiosTaskLogging = false;
LoggingSetup.loadLogging = false;
LoggingSetup.mainLoggingRuntimeControl = false;
//LoggingSetup.memorySectionName = "DDR2";
// Only use this if the buffer is in shared memory. We hope to do this
// when its in DDR.
//LoggingSetup.numCores = 6; // tells logger that cores share a memory location.
The ROV tab will change to show only the core that is selected. Is there a way to do this for the printf tab display? Or will it always show all cores?
When I uncomment these, the ROV Records tab no longer changes when I select a different core. Nor is there any logs on the Printf Logs tab. :o(
//LoggingSetup.memorySectionName = "DDR2";
// Only use this if the buffer is in shared memory. We hope to do this
// when its in DDR.
//LoggingSetup.numCores = 6; // tells logger that cores share a memory location.
This sure feels like the early days of CCSv4 again.
Here is my project.
(Please visit the site to view this file)
Thanks for your help.