I would like to modify the file text.c in xdc.runtime (specifically, the xdc.runtime.text module). After that, I would like to compile and generate the file packages/ti/target/arm/rtsarm/lib/ti.target.arm.rtsarm.aem3 file. I looked at the http://rtsc.eclipse.org/docs-tip/Working_with_xdc.runtime tutorial and this is what I did.
cd <xdctools_dir>/packages/ti/targets/arm/elf/
<xdctools_dir>/xdc clean
But, I wasn't able to generate a new ti.target.arm.rtsarm.aem3 file. Even running the same commands from <xdctools_dir>/packages/ti/targets/arm/rtsarm did nothing. I just want the steps to recompile ti.target.arm.rtsarm.aem3 after changes to xdc.runtime.text.
Any help much appreciated.