The -D is not getting defined as it is not specified as a default build option to set for the device. Basically there is an xml file that defines a bunch of things for a device including some default build options to use when creating a new project.
For example the file for the MSP430AFE231 has this line:
<property Type="stringfield" Value="-D=__MSP430AFE231__" id="CompilerBuildOptions"></property>
For if I look at the file for TM4C1294NCPDT I don't see it defined when using the TI compiler but it does have it defined for the GNU compiler.
<property Type="stringfield" Value=" --silicon_version=7M4 --code_state=16 --abi=eabi --float_support=FPv4SPD16" id="CompilerBuildOptions"/>
<property Type="stringfield" Value=" -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MD -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -DPART_TM4C1294NCPDT -c" id="GNUCompilerBuildOptions"/>
If you import a project from TivaWare the project will have the -D setup. I filed a defect (SDSCM00050224) to get the Tiva support files updated to include this option. It should be there for both TI compiler and GCC projects.