[quote user="stevenh"]Where can I find out which Peripherals are affected by the GEL_Reset() function?[/quote]It is device dependent, and I haven't managed to find where it explicitly documented.
Forum searches found that:
1) On some device families, e.g. AM335x, there is the option of a CPU reset or System Reset where a System Reset will reset the peripherals but a CPU reset won't. See http://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/code_composer_studio/f/81/t/302525.aspx
2) On a TMS320F28335 connected to a Blackhawk USB2000 CCS is only offering a CPU reset option. This post http://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/code_composer_studio/f/81/t/31886.aspx#111062 says that for a 28x device "debugger reset will reset peripherals, core registers, most everything except for some of the clocking registers - like the PLL setup".
The TMS320F28335 datasheet says:[quote]The PLL control register (PLLCR) and PLL Status Register (PLLSTS) are reset to their default state by the XRS signal or a watchdog reset only. A reset issued by the debugger or the missing clock detect logic have no effect.[/quote]
Therefore, for a TMS320F28335 I think that GEL_Reset will invoke a "CPU Reset", which in turn will reset all peripherals except for the PLLCR and PLLSTS. Note that I haven't attempt to test this.