Hi John, I got the warning also after installing all 3 requested library...
I see you got aTM4129 example compiled, please can you try for me compile QS_weather? If not a simple ccs import existing can you post instruction on how to compile this i suppose also apply to LWIP examples. I am dancing in circle without success...
Somewhere I found instruction on library rebuilding.. Launched mklib I finally located where is , after a very long long long time (near 1 hour or more, I left computer running) when I returned there where an error too :( It is not the case to check before build?
I used a lot of compiler in my life, this is the first one driving me so crazy.... At early time the worst condition was swapping some punched card discovering on next day batch aborted... or having trouble with punched tape jammed on reader...
rmcl xlocinfo.cpp -O --embed_icode --keep_asm --diag_warning=225 --quiet -mv7A8 --abi=eabi --fp_mode=strict --no_visible_enums -mt -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL --keep_unneeded_types=false --embedded_constants=off -fg --rtti -I/tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/SRC -fr /tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/OBJ -fs /tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/OBJ -ft /tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/OBJ
cd /tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/OBJ; armar -qa /tmp/TI_MKLIBITgch3/rtsv7A8_T_be_xo_eabi.lib *.obj
>> ERROR: mklib: destination library /opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/lib/./rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib already exists