Would you help me get a copy of the C2000 compiler 5.2.3? Following TI Wiki pages led to an HTTP Error.
To support a legacy product, I am trying to compile firmware for a TMS320F2808 DSP. Source code that compiled using C2000 compiler 5.2.3 and DSP/BIOS 5.40 now has 18 errors and 3 warnings, using compiler 6.2.0 and DSP/BISO 5.42. Rather than modify the tool settings and possibly the source code, I would like to try compiling the code using the 5.2.3 compiler.
To download the 5.2.3 compiler, I signed in to myTI and followed Wiki information to the following webpage:
Free Compiler Downloads
Go here to obtain freely available versions of the compiler. Note a login is required. If you don't have a login, you are given the option to create one.
Clicking on "here" displayed an HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found.
Kind regards,