hello, I have done another test, I found that the reason for the uninitialized global data is "cmd file"
when I configed the "program tag" in rtsc, the cmd generated by it is as follow:
.self: load>>DDR3,run>>DDR3,and others are default, so I create another project without rtsc, I copyed the src file and cmd file generated by rtsc, and I bulid the project , after I loaded the out file into 6678, I found the data is not initialized also, then I changed the code as follow:
.self >>DDR3
and I build the project , a problem is generated that shows the .cinit size is too large to placed into L2SRAM ,so I changed the .cinit to DDR3 too, then I build and loaded the program, I found the global data is initialized, why does this happen.