Having always a fatal disconnect error after minutes of GUI operation typically when data is moving bidirectional on the JTAG bus. The XDS100v2 default clock rate assume to be 1Mhz but do not see that in settings folder were the GUI emulator has been declared. The error messages box appears on the connections tab page after the target has halted for roughly 60 seconds. This disconnect leaves the target in a crippled state until the program is initialized, often requires the target be power cycled in order to initialize it once again.
Anyone know were in the CCP5.5 the proper place to add a switch to changes settings of the XDS100v2 inside GUI project, now unzipped into a folder under C:\ti\guicomposer\webapps\theGUIproject?
BTW: An AMD dual core processor struggles to load the program to target (very slow 5min or more) an Intel quad core quickly loads the target program in seconds. GUI composer is puling 60 or more memory threads on either core. Is there any known switch value or line statement to make the AMD Phienon II processor kick it into gear?