Hi, I've found an unexplicable compiler behavior. The following code does NOT give correct answer when compiler optimization level is set above 2(-O2).
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
using namespace std; /* Because of the library: "complex" */
typedef float _REAL;
typedef complex<_REAL> _COMPLEX;
inline _COMPLEX Conj(const _COMPLEX& cI)
{return conj(cI);}
inline _REAL SqMag(const _COMPLEX& cI)
{return cI.real() * cI.real() + cI.imag() * cI.imag();}
vector<_COMPLEX> HistoryBuf(17, _COMPLEX(0.0, 0.0));
vector<_COMPLEX> cGuardCorrBlock(16, _COMPLEX(0.0, 0.0));
vector<_REAL> rGuardPowBlock(16, 0.0);
int main()
int j;
for(j = 0; j < 17; j++)
HistoryBuf[j] = (_REAL)j;
for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
cGuardCorrBlock[j] += HistoryBuf[j] *
Conj(HistoryBuf[j + 1]);
rGuardPowBlock[j] += SqMag(HistoryBuf[j]) +
SqMag(HistoryBuf[j + 1]);
System_printf("\r\n rGuardPowBlock[%d]=%f; \n",j, rGuardPowBlock[j]);
return 0;
Error is in the Prinf result. Note:When I turn off the optimization level, it is correct. Can the develope team behind CodGen look into this matter??Thanks in advance!
PS: my DSP platform is C6748, C/C++compiler 7.4.6