[quote user="JohnS"]
[quote user="Andrey Gursky"]1) it can't be started at all, because ccsv6/eclipse/ccstudio depends on libjsig.so, while it wasn't the case before and the eclipse starter ccsv6/eclipse/eclipse still doesn't contain this unneeded dependency.[/quote]
Which distribution are you running?
Specifically in my case, I have been hitting this issue whenever I launch v6 from outside ccsv6/eclipse. In other words, if I open a terminal and try to launch CCS from, say, my home directory by issuing the following command:
user@host:~$ /opt/ti/ccsv6/eclipse/ccstudio &
Then if fails with the libjsig.so.
However, if I go to the v6 directory and run from there, it launches without a problem.
user@host:~$ cd /opt/ti/ccsv6/eclipse/
user@host:/opt/ti/ccsv6/eclipse$ ./ccstudio &
Well, only if I run it as sudo (I installed it as sudo).