[quote user="siauhwa ong"]
project folder :
and I can find the hw_types.h include file on :
I have included the #include "inc/hw_types.h" on my code
In general, in order for the compiler to "find" header files, the path to it must be specified within the compiler's include option --include_path (under Project Properties->Build->Compiler->Include Options).
Since you have #include "inc/hw_types.h" in your code, the compiler include path must point to C:\StellarisWare in your case. Now you say that the project is in C:\StellarisWare\boards\MyLaunchPadBoard\Lab9, which means the --include_path should contain "${PROJECT_ROOT}/../../.." so that it points to C:\StellarisWare. What you have specified is "${PROJECT_ROOT}/../../../.." which is one level too high.