I would like to know if it is possible to use the GCC compiler inside Code composer studio and to have the debug function available.
I gave up to use my complete project and tried to debug a sample project "Hello World". At the moment I use Code Composer Studio 6 Beta. But I had the same result with code composer studio 5.
when I use the debug using the TI compiler everyThing is OK.
When I use the GCC compiler, I m able to compile, I 'm able to load the program inside the SmartRF06+cc2538 board. and the debug start.
In the debug windows I have no symbol for 0x00.....
In the other windows I have No source available for "0x200e78"
In the disassambly , the program is halted at main, position 0x200e78. When I launch (green arrow), everything is OK in the disassembly Windows. The function Main () is in the startup-gcc.C, but no in the source windows
So my first question, will be "Is the debug feature working when using a GCC compiler with CC2538 M3 ?"