In my CCS5 projects I use compiler command files to specify compiler options common to all of our projets (in Build > C6000 Compiler > Command files).
I want to do the same thing for the linker (i.e. to have a common file in which I list all the libraries I want to link with) because we have many projects (unitary tests, ...) that use the same lib config and I don't want to update each project in case of a library architecture/name modification.
In CCS I haven't seen a Command file option for the linker and if I add my linker file in the Compiler part, the --cmd_file option is correctly passed to both linker and compiler but the linker complain (Suppose I have -l"mylib1.lib" -l"mylib2.lib" ... in my file):
WARNING: invalid compiler option --lmylib1.lib
WARNING: invalid compiler option --lmylib1.lib
And it fails.
How can I do that?
Thank you.