code was fully loaded into the target. No errors visible, so the second applies.
I tried to set the DEBUG option "Halt the target ..." as adviced in another posting. It did not help. But now I have another error too:
Cortex_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete
Cortex_M3_0: GEL Output: Watchdog Timers Enabled
Cortex_M3_0: GEL Output: UARTs Enabled
Cortex_M3_0: Error writing the PLL values (Flash algorithm timed out). Operation cancelled.
Cortex_M3_0: Unable to terminate memory download: (Error -1003 @ 0x2BC5) Internal error: Invalid parameter passed to function. Restart the application. If error persists, please report the error. (Emulation package
Cortex_M3_0: GEL: File: D:\01_Projekte\05_LC-DCU\Workspace_v5_4\LC-DCUv0.2\Debug\LC-DCUv0.2.out: Load failed.
I set it back to nothing, tried some resets but this error is now permanent - a new issue. I will shut down my PC and see if it remains. Then I've to organize a new hardware?
Regards Tom.