I'm very sorry! My description is unclear.In my programme ,I repleace 'WEIGHT_COFF' with '0.3', and I repleace '1-WEIGHT_COFF' with '0.3' at the same time.
The programme as follows:
(1)pGuassianResult[i*52+j] = (1-WEIGHT_COFF)*(pGuassianResult[i*52+j])+WEIGHT_COFF*(pDetailResult[i*52+j]);
(2)pGuassianResult[i*52+j] = 0.7*(pGuassianResult[i*52+j])+0.3*(pDetailResult[i*52+j]);
The result of these two sentences is different.
Thank you ,Archaeologist .I test my programme in the output assembly,I found the calculation of (1-0.3) is 0.7000000000000001,not 0.7.Apologize again for my mistake.